To Tip or Not to Tip

I think I'm a pretty good tipper. If the service is good then I'll leave a very generous tip. If the service is ok then I'll leave decent tip and if the service is horrible I won't leave anything. I can count on one hand how many times I haven't tipped someone but I have done it and those few people didn't deserve a tip. I don't feel bad about those times.
Then there are places that force the tip upon you, Starbucks is a good example. They stick that tip jar right out front for everyone to see and even at the drive-thru they have a tip jar. I don't tip at these places. I don't tip the guy at Taco Bell that makes my #8 without lettuce why should I tip someone that is just making my coffee. I have to draw the line somewhere.
Then there is Souplantation. You don't have a server but a bus boy comes around and clears your table for you. This one is a toss up for me. I usually leave a few bucks but feel odd about doing so. He is clearing my table but thats it, is he even getting that tip? Who knows
My question is what are your thoughts on tipping and who do or don't you tip?
twenty percent and Jill doesn't like it. But I like to make people's day. If they don't offer good service, then I adjust.
Don't go to starbucks and don't tip at bus-only places. problem solved.
Posted by
Kevin Morrison |
7:45 PM
I rarely go to Starbucks, I'm more of a Coffee Bean guy and I would avoid bus-only service like Souplantation if they didn't have those delicious chocolate muffins. Hard to resist.
Posted by
media39 |
9:26 PM